I wonder when that huge lot directly next to Andrew will get developed. Probably when the masterplan is more set in stone. Either way this development is very much needed for the city.
The numbers are pretty good:
656 apartments (110 "affordable")
98,600 sq ft retail- substantial
Tallest building is 21 stories
Possible grocery store
Dorchester ave "soon" to be rezoned to 300'
440 below ground parking spaces- which we do still need
Adding 656 freaking apartments to one development is great. That doesn't happen every day. Huge win for the area/city.
This development is basically the start of the game changing re-zoning of the areas surrounding Dorchester ave. and Old Colony ave. where buildings up to 300' are going to be allowed to go up. It starts right here and then continues along Old Colony until it meets back up with Dot ave so it wont always stand alone. Its just the start of something much much bigger. In this render it appears they're also going to build a new road on the left of Dot ave extending Ellery st, which hopefully they don't use that name, which will add essentially twice the retail and buildings along the corridor. That will be much better than only lining Dot ave. They're also going to keep the large triangle shaped area of residential houses in tact on Dorchester st. and building behind and around it. I wonder how many thousands and thousands of residential units and retail sq ft would come of this. In the render below these are the buildings in a line to the left of Old Colony Ave. that include the building that says 70'.
Id absolutely say somewhere over 10,000 new apartments would go up in something of this size judging by how many buildings there are and by how many people are in buildings of these sizes. So then taking into account that most apartments usually have 2 or more people in them thats a small city worth of people in this area alone. Id imagine Andrew would be slam packed here.... which it already is. No idea how they could address this in any reasonable way, the trains in this area literally are at capacity now.
Washington Village: