Winter Garden | 100 Federal St. | Financial District



This would make a great headhouse for the PO Square green line loop...
Do they install only 1-2 glass panels a day? It's been a month since they started installing the glass and they appear to be less than half done. Supply issues?
This is coming out a lot better than I had expected. I thought those white lines would be more prominent but this looks super sleek. This street will feel so much different now.
The reflective glass is surprisingly effective at tying the intersection together. A great selection.
some of you thought that it would be a moth emerging from this cocoon; but it looks like it may be a butterfly after all
It looks a lot weirder in person. I walk by it on the way to work, often. Hopefully it turns out nice when it's completed.
It looks like the same green colored glass that they're using all over the Seaport. So far, it does not look particularly sleek or attractive in person. The renderings made the glass look more clear and more transparent.
The views where you can see the whole shape playing against the shape of 100 Fed makes this work for me. I was skeptical but now I am getting excited because there seems to be a subtlety to this that was missing in the renders.

The winter garden roof angle plays off the pregnant part of the BoA building very well. Nice work!
I walked by this last night and although it was mostly dark by then I liked the glass in person. Not sure what others are talking about exactly
This is a hideous blob with no relationship to any of its surroundings. It resembles an undergraduate thesis project. Full of fad, short on substance.

I bet is is going to have color change LED lighting....
This is a hideous blob with no relationship to any of its surroundings. It resembles an undergraduate thesis project. Full of fad, short on substance.

I bet is is going to have color change LED lighting....

Did you see the unframed Bob Marley and John Belushi poster's hanging on the wall? I think it fits very well.
