Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Thanks, Shmessy. Glad you enjoyed it. Check the page frequently and keep an eye out for more communication here, we’ll keep posting photos, updates and news articles.

Also great question, Statler. I want to make sure I give you the most accurate answer, so I’m checking into this and will post a response soon
Thanks, Shmessy. Glad you enjoyed it. Check the page frequently and keep an eye out for more communication here, we’ll keep posting photos, updates and news articles.

Also great question, Statler. I want to make sure I give you the most accurate answer, so I’m checking into this and will post a response soon

Okay, I'll jump on the bandwagon and ask for stuff. Any chance you could give a general outline on the construction timetable. For example, when the building is expected to break through street level? When the podium should be completed, topping out?

Thanks for asking jdrinboston, currently on Summer Street, new paving and public space improvement is underway with a new roadway to be delivered by summer's end. Crews are also working to expedite construction of the first five floors of the site. I'll post more construction updates as we release them in the future.
ok Ill asked a question why is this building's top not being lit up at nite? It will appear shorter at nite than during the day simular to the other two Millennium towers down the street
Also, is the 625' to the highest occupied floor or to the structural top?
Random question. Do you know who the architectural salvage company was that razed the 1905 facade and if they might have a retail location to purchase remnants of that wonderful facade?
Wow, an actual employee of a developer for a major project is here on our forum and sharing info. This is awesome!

C'mon guys, don't scare them away with too many questions. :cool:
Haha. I was thinking the same thing. This guy is going to get pelted with all kinds of arcane architectural and civil engineering questions and then will wish he never joined aB. :)

Wow, an actual employee of a developer for a major project is here on our forum and sharing info. This is awesome!

C'mon guys, don't scare them away with too many questions. :cool:
Perhaps someone else can confirm but to my untrained eye, I see the makings of a core that is approaching street level.
Perhaps someone else can confirm but to my untrained eye, I see the makings of a core that is approaching street level.

I saw that too. The forms, anyway.

Also, what appears to be the lobby for the offices looks nearly complete. The elevator bank seems to have the same carved granite as the Burnham facade, drywall looks done, and they were installing light bulbs into the fixtures this morning.
I know this gets used everywhere but I really think it fits here...

Has the concrete started to dry and harden or is it still soft and wet? I just want to know whether I'm looking at hard core porn or soft core porn.

Shame on you for resorting to such crass perversion! I demand you show respect to this massive erection in a deep hole.
I wonder when we'll see the steel for the tower start to rise above the ground. :cool:
There's storefront being installed on Summer Street (sorry I didn't have time to grab any pictures for you).
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