30 Dalton St. Residences | Back Bay

It's peeking just above the trees from Boylston Street [taken last Friday]:
Here's hoping that the garage will get replaced with something soon that blocks that side of the Hilton.
The Hilton and Westin were both built in the 80s. I wonder if it would make any economic sense for them to reskin. Both are interesting enough shapes, and surely they could rent the rooms for a higher price if they had larger windows to capitalize on the view. The Westin in particular is ripe for a rooftop restaurant / bar overlooking Copley Square.
The Hilton and Westin were both built in the 80s. I wonder if it would make any economic sense for them to reskin. Both are interesting enough shapes, and surely they could rent the rooms for a higher price if they had larger windows to capitalize on the view. The Westin in particular is ripe for a rooftop restaurant / bar overlooking Copley Square.

How about they both are imploded and replaced with something more modern looking? Wishful thinking....but that Hilton is hideous.
Here's hoping that the garage will get replaced with something soon that blocks that side of the Hilton.

Here's hoping that the Hilton will get replaced with something soon that blocks that side of the garage.
You guys are funny! I remember when the Hilton was assembled (not really built...all prefab concrete sections) and knew then as it rose that it was going to hideous. Then they added the mirrored tower....helped a bit. But let's face it, that entire corner of Boston needs a huge update/improvement, including a nice tall building or two over the Mass Pike.
Heh, yes they added that glass corner to the Hilton circa 2000.

There was also a proposal around then to replace the garage with a tower (not sure if that was scaled back to just the glass corner, or if this plan was after the corner was already built).

Thanks for info Mike, that's interesting, I dont think any of the board has seen that rendering. Wonder why they didnt add that cornice thing
(not sure if that was scaled back to just the glass corner, or if this plan was after the corner was already built)

That rendering/proposal was available before the glass corner was installed. It was supposed to be the second phase of a two phase project. Late 90's? I still remember my disappointment.
This might be topped? I saw a flag on top of the core.

QUOTE: "This might be topped? I saw a flag on top of the core.:"

Topping out is last week in OCT., have 2 more floors plus roof slab to go.
For a city that can't renovate a subway station in less than two years or repair a bridge in less than four, this went up remarkably fast.
For a city that can't renovate a subway station in less than two years or repair a bridge in less than four, this went up remarkably fast.

Private projects are not subject to MA's insane public bidding laws (c149(a)).
For a city that can't renovate a subway station in less than two years or repair a bridge in less than four, this went up remarkably fast.

Renovations vs new construction. I'll complain about the speed and competence of state-managed infrastructure renovations as much as anyone else, but that's a really unfair comparison...
Renovations vs new construction. I'll complain about the speed and competence of state-managed infrastructure renovations as much as anyone else, but that's a really unfair comparison...

Busses -- that's funny -- I seem to recall a number of examples where the for-profit private sector seems to do renovations fairly rapidly and efficiently

No -- I think its all about the Big Gov -- Big Union -- Big Corruption Model
Busses -- that's funny -- I seem to recall a number of examples where the for-profit private sector seems to do renovations fairly rapidly and efficiently

No -- I think its all about the Big Gov -- Big Union -- Big Corruption Model

Whoa! Pull back on that terrier leash Westie!

I'm more inclined to unleash the hounds on the government contract procurement process, but everyone needs a drum to beat I guess... yours is unions and the ice age... fine by me...

On topic:

Obviously each renovation project is different, and each new construction is different. That said, a gut-job renovation of an historic structure, whether it's by efficient, capitalist captains of industry or government hacks, is going to take a long time. Compare this project, which is a new construction and is rising rather quickly, with the Godfrey project in DTX. A much smaller building, but a gut-job renovation that's taken 2 1/2 years.

Really though... comparing a 110 year old bridge rehab to historic standards, and an underground subway station gut job, with a pretty bread and butter mid-size tower project is comparing apples and oranges. Govt vs private sector aside.
walked around this one, another 10 floors wd have made a bigger impact. [URL=http://s301.photobucket.com/user/boston02124/media/arch%20bos%202015/Back%20
