Academic Building @ Suffolk U | 20 Somerset Street | Beacon Hill

Azimuth: Wow, thanks for the concise and detailed explanation!
Up close the panels look interesting. From a distance, the building looks like it's aping the nearby Sixties-era urban renewal crap.
I know it's not done yet, but holy crap this looks like it going to be absolutely hideous. Certainly a step backwards from the the old MDC building

This building is actually the worst. Terrible height, location, and now facade.
agree^ when I came around the corner I was like, thats it????? I prefered the old MDC building,maybe the glass will help but the hieght suks!
It reminds me of the panels they use to pretty up parking garages. Except... it's not a parking garage.
It would look better if the panels were rotated at random to create a more chaotic look, but since they are all uniformly skewed in one direction it just looks terrible.
So, it appears the panels were the result of VE. The panels were originally planned to have a horizontal texture. Oh, NBBJ, what have you done?

See post #247 that I posted on 08-19-2013, 02:37 PM:
I just happened to stumble across these on NBBJ's website. I don't think these have been posted before... Dated as Dec 4, 2012.


Not every change is a result of VE. This looks like it might just be a bad design change, perhaps design review run amok.
Or they got a scaled material sample of one panel and just went with it and didn't really test it on the whole facade. It really appears to be a direct swap.
Guys, this building was pretty hideous from the first render. Don't think VE is to blame here - just the all-around awfulness of 99% of modernist architecture. "Boxes with weird synthetic materials" seems to be rallying cry.

This was always a weird, stitched-together, Frankenstein-esque pastiche of a building, and a massive step down from the (fairly nice-looking) MDC building. That's what we're seeing realized now, and whether the panels are a little nicer or worse doesn't move the needle.
