Oh waaah. Look, I probably know more about the economy than you do. Fact is Romney's plan is not logical. You can't cut taxes and spending at the same time and expect to cut the deficit. You can't increase military spending and close loopholes and expect to cut the deficit.
You want to talk about things not getting done, you talk about Congress, not the President. Unless the Republicans were poised to take over the senate, it wouldn't matter if Romney won or not, there would still be a deadlock and as long as this deadlock exist, there will be uncertainty. Business will not hire if there is uncertainty because they can't plan for the future if they can't tell what the future looks like. You can give them all the tax cut, all the stimulus package, and they wouldn't spend a dime if they are too scared to hire.
Yeah businesses build jobs, except for when they don't. Look at the Bush tax cuts. Did it consistently create jobs? No, because cutting taxes does not necessarily mean businesses would create jobs. Also, unbeknownst to you, both Parties want to see the end of the Bush tax cuts because they know they can simply no longer afford it.
And yes, I do complain about shit not getting done. Unfortunately, neither candidates would solve the problem. Besides the economy, which I find Obama's plan a little more sensible, I also agree with him on social issues. I'm turned off by the need to bring religion into government by the Republican party. I think it was stupid that Romney had to deal with the issue of being a Mormon as an indicator of his quality. I'm an atheist and I have no problem with other people's religion. I am in no way represented by the American Atheist and I see them as left-wing nutjobs and hypocrites, but I'll be damned if my lifestyle is dictated by other people's religion.
I did not disparage you for voting Republican. I don't see Romney himself as a bad man. Unfortunately, Romney had to change his centralist and moderate views just to appease the Republicans which have, in recent year, shifted too much to the right. I also hope that Scott Brown would be elected to another position because he is someone we need more in the government, someone that is willing to work with others and not afraid to cross the line if needed.
I hope you can put away your anger and learned to deal with it. Stay classy.