The 4 cores you see are grouped:
Two cores, still being built on the left in construction photos, immediately upthread serve the half of the building nearest the T (on the left in the photo below)
Another two cores (which are topped out) are on the right both upthread and below, and serve the half of the building closer to Home Depot.
I also see now why we didn't think the building tall: they've used that Vegas-hotel trick of grouping 4 windows together (spanning two floors) into what looks like one macro window. It makes the 10 "office" floors atop the podium read as 5 stories. That and the fact that it sits on a tall podium of retail and a ground-floor-in-the-air that opens onto the grassy rooftop lawn.
In total:
2 tall floors of retail
1 "main office floor" (the first that spans the internal roadway)
10 "regular" office floors
Mechanical penthouse on top