AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

^ Whoa, I had no idea that was called anything other than Park Plaza.
The Boston Park Plaza was once the (Boston) Statler Hotel.
More info (so as not to derail this): http://www.bostonparkplaza.com/overview/history

Gonna drag this out a second longer, but I guess I didn't realize the fate of the park was so tied to the hotel next door.

Actually, doing my homework I see originally the area was Park Square, and then came Statler Park when the streets were rerouted and then I guess Park Plaza.
I've never seen a core topped off with a structure like that before. Anyone with an idea what that could be for? Support for the crown?
Ahhhh, okay. I've never seen that stage of dis-assembly photographed before. Thank you!
please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin please have a good skin
It is definitely visually striking. Quality of materials will make this sink or swim.
Have they added any new steel to this lately? I can't tell from the pictures.
It is definitely visually striking. Quality of materials will make this sink or swim.

Agreed. I like the design, but it can be ruined with cheap materials...it's such an imposing building hulking over Jacob Wirth's. If the materials are shitty, it's going to like double-bad.
Have they added any new steel to this lately? I can't tell from the pictures.

Two truck loads of steel were being unloaded and hoisted into place during the half hour I was lurking about the site. I'm guessing they are adding a floor every two to three days.
Agreed. I like the design, but it can be ruined with cheap materials...it's such an imposing building hulking over Jacob Wirth's. If the materials are shitty, it's going to like double-bad.

Given recent Boston-area Avalon properties, would anyone expect that they would make this the red-headed stepchild? The Exeter and Assembly Row seemed to go with market/above-market cladding.
