Millennium (Hayward) Place | 580 Washington Street | Downtown

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

How about we keep politics out of the Architectural portion of the forum?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place


Agreed.......I will tone down the politics on most of the New developments.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place


I do not watch the news and I have never listened to Rush in my life. But…… the one skill that I possess is knowing who in the room knows what they are talking about.
I hope you have other skills in life because and you’re not even relevant on this message board. Don’t take this personal. I guess everybody has an opinion right?

If you don't like what I write you can put me on the ignore button and it will take me off your personal Archboston page for good.

The ignore function doesn't work as well as one would hope. Posts replied to by only someone on my ignore list are still brought up on the "new posts" page. There's also obviously the problem of people responding to someone I've ignored which leads to a garbled discussion.

You give yourself entirely too much credit when it comes to "knowing the room." How exactly does one know he is a good judge of intelligence and critical thinking when lacking those skills himself? Your self-described good judgement boils down to thinking the people you agree with are smarter than the people you disagree with. This is not a skill.

I don't like repeating myself, but here goes: There are countless political forums on the internet. If you are intent on discussing politics why not do so in one of those forums and reserve archBoston for architectural discussion?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

That's the problem with the ignore function (and why I stopped using it) here is the last post by Rifleman right above yours:


Agreed.......I will tone down the politics on most of the New developments.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

You give yourself entirely too much credit when it comes to "knowing the room." How exactly does one know he is a good judge of intelligence and critical thinking when lacking those skills himself? ,

You need to stop spending all your time sucking on Rush's tit. You are really wacked, completely ill informed and certainly not worth arguing with. Go back to fox news, you've said nothing new in years.

Really Justin, I guess you qualify BostonOverserver Post as intelligent.
BostonObserver post was a personal attack.
There is no reason for personal attacks against anybody on this message board. So yes I believe he lacks intelligence.
I also never said I was intelligent.

Lets have another Poll to boot Rifleman off the site.

Thank you Statler

That's the problem with the ignore function (and why I stopped using it) here is the last post by Rifleman right above yours:
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Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

There is no reason for personal attacks against anybody on this message board.

Perhaps the wisest thing said so far in this current bit of discussion. I am not personally bothered by somebody bringing their politics to the forum, especially as much of the development process in Boston is political. However, personal attacks have no place at all here, under any circumstance.

It's easy enough to say, "hey, Joe, this is too political, what are your thoughts on the design?" when the politics become too great an emphasis. There is no need to instead say, "Joe, you are too stupid to get what this is about."
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I don't like repeating myself, but here goes: There are countless political forums on the internet. If you are intent on discussing politics why not do so in one of those forums and reserve archBoston for architectural discussion?

Few forums are going to be interested in a fusion of politics with architecture and planning. Especially on a 'hyperlocal' scale, particularly involving Boston.

With that said, the amount of politics is a bit excessive. And no, Rifleman isn't the only to blame. I myself have even reveled in the mud of politics on here, and very few can say they have not partaken at some point.

Let's just tone it down and remember how easy it is to get to the 'General' forum and hit 'New Topic' -- you can do it in literally 3 clicks.

Anywayyy -- did Millenium Partners ever put up a new mock up of the materials they're using? Or are we to assume that one that was standing for 5 years is what we're going to get?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Few forums are going to be interested in a fusion of politics with architecture and planning. Especially on a 'hyperlocal' scale, particularly involving Boston.

With that said, the amount of politics is a bit excessive. And no, Rifleman isn't the only to blame. I myself have even reveled in the mud of politics on here, and very few can say they have not partaken at some point.

Let's just tone it down and remember how easy it is to get to the 'General' forum and hit 'New Topic' -- you can do it in literally 3 clicks.

Anywayyy -- did Millenium Partners ever put up a new mock up of the materials they're using? Or are we to assume that one that was standing for 5 years is what we're going to get?

Urb -- nothing of detail has been released by Millenium - that's likely in the next few months when the architect releases some preliminary renderings and the discussion with the BRA gets serious

As far as the politics / economics / demographics - all of it is relevant as supporting material for the discussions of architecture, city planning and urbanity

As far as name calling -- lets tone it down

Let's also tone down the gratuitous use of Anglo-Saxon expletives -- However, foreign language expletives are a sign of one's extreme urbane stature (e.g. even Bill Buckley used Latin expletives)

I for one particularly dislike the gratutitous use of Alucobond -- so let's stop it!
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I'm not giving up calling politicians and business people idiots and you can't stop me!

Also, I like swearing. But, I will limit it.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Urb -- nothing of detail has been released by Millenium - that's likely in the next few months when the architect releases some preliminary renderings and the discussion with the BRA gets serious

As far as the politics / economics / demographics - all of it is relevant as supporting material for the discussions of architecture, city planning and urbanity

As far as name calling -- lets tone it down

Let's also tone down the gratuitous use of Anglo-Saxon expletives -- However, foreign language expletives are a sign of one's extreme urbane stature (e.g. even Bill Buckley used Latin expletives)

I for one particularly dislike the gratutitous use of Alucobond -- so let's stop it!

Culus tibi purior salillo est, nec toto decies cacas in anno.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I'm not giving up calling politicians and business people idiots and you can't stop me!

Also, I like swearing. But, I will limit it.

John -- just limit the Alucobond

Alucobond to the forum is like Spam to Monty Python -- you can get a laught without even saying it if people think that you might
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Culus tibi purior salillo est, nec toto decies cacas in anno.

Ran that through Google translate and am more confused than ever.

edit: Ah but Wikipedia comes through.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I'm not giving up calling politicians and business people idiots and you can't stop me!

Also, I like swearing. But, I will limit it.

Do you still count as a politician? Does that mean we can call you an idiot?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Will someone please post some progress photos in order to get this thread back on topic?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

You need to stop spending all your time sucking on Rush's tit. You are really wacked, completely ill informed and certainly not worth arguing with. Go back to fox news, you've said nothing new in years.

Few forums are going to be interested in a fusion of politics with architecture and planning. Especially on a 'hyperlocal' scale, particularly involving Boston.

With that said, the amount of politics is a bit excessive. And no, BostonObserver isn't the only to blame.

Fixed that for you, BostonUrbEx.

We would all love to have an environment where politics does not so heavily impact our ability to construct buildings; the type of structures that are built; the way they look; their height and shape; the amount of funding from you and me that different buildings receive from our, ahem, representatives in government; or which developers are allowed to build and which not. Of course, then we would be living in a libertarian society, so to get to that apolitical point, we would have to make very substantial political changes.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a highly politicized country and city, where regulations (often created, and enforced, at will by bureaucrats who have their own ideological or personal agendas) heavily affect our built environment. This can be for the better (as in the case of historical landmarking) or the worse (in pretty much any other case, IMO, although at times I find myself wishing for an "Ugliness Board of Review" that can strike down proposed buildings for hideousness rather than height, until I remember the politicized and, ultimately, terrible judgments that would come out of such a monstrosity).

This project in particular does much to illustrate the evils of the highly bureaucratic environment for the built environment that exists under Mayor Menino. Without going into the details (they're available via a nice summary by Shirley Kressel here), this site shows that it's hard, in a society where bureaucrats play a large role as in the US today and particularly in Boston, to separate architecture, as manifested in contemporary building projects, from politics.

And although I don't listen to the guy either, if you want less politics in real estate/architecture, you'd be better off listening to Rush Limbaugh than reading the Globe :rolleyes:
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

So.... Millennium Place III... anyone?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I will post some photos today. Or try to at least.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

took this yesteray,because there was nothing new at the site,sorry best I can do lol!
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I love the Paramount.

True story: It was the Paramount that got me into architecture/urban planning/this site.

Shortly after starting my job downtown ~15 years ago I took a walk around the neighborhood. When I saw the Paramount I was shocked to see how run down it was and all I could think about was how cool it would be to fix it up and reopen a theather there.

So I started looking online for information about who owned it and if there were any plans and I found the SkyscraperGuy forum and the rest is history.
