Millennium (Hayward) Place | 580 Washington Street | Downtown

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Walked by the site last nite. Sorry I don't have a camera but there is substantial above grade structure there now. Worth a look for those interested.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Walked by the site last nite. Sorry I don't have a camera but there is substantial above grade structure there now. Worth a look for those interested.

I've got your back Semass. I actually happened to snap a quick one when I walked by yesterday. Sorry for the low quality, but you can kind of see what's happening.

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Wow, that grew quick all of a sudden.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place


Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Whatever the affect on that picture. I likes it.
It's like a postcard setting.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Whatever the affect on that picture. I likes it.
It's like a postcard setting.

I agree on the setting, but if somebody sent me that as a postcard, I think I would be angry and confused.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

bemused i might be, but angry.... no.
Confused as a cat with tape on his paws however.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

The building in the background of that photo appears to have some boarded up windows (5th column of windows from the left; maybe bottom of 6th column too)
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

The building in the background of that photo appears to have some boarded up windows (5th column of windows from the left; maybe bottom of 6th column too)

It does, and the street presence on Harrison Ave Ext is even worse. Just shuttered windows and doors on both sides. Hopefully MP III will help jumpstart some renovations.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

It does, and the street presence on Harrison Ave Ext is even worse. Just shuttered windows and doors on both sides. Hopefully MP III will help jumpstart some renovations.

And this is why I don't blame the deadness and lack of street level activity on MP I & II. If I was looking to expand, I wouldn't choose that area because it is (formerly) across the street of a parking lot, and shuttered ground space. I'm not expecting much from Hayward Place but if it can somehow attract retailers to occupy on all 360 degrees of it on the bottom floor then it might just lead to some renovations in adjacent building that can lead to more pedestrian activity.

But I'm pretty sure T-mobile, AT&T, Verizon, a couple of banks, will make up half of the retail space...
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

That building was bought as an investment by the Bass brothers(?) from Texas back in the 80s or early 90s. I all way thought those boarded up windows might be part of the theater's back stage & wings. (second or third largest theater in Boston, would make a great music hall, non clasical that is.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

The gray-green 'boarded-up' windows were probably always that way because of the (now-closed) RKO Boston theatre, but I'm talking about the boards that look like plywood.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Whoa...that last picture is full of win!
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

If you've got a smartphone and you are hanging around DTX -- you can see how Millenium Place will look when its completed

quoted in today's Herald on-line
Developer shows how Millennium Place will rise downtown
By Greg Turner
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The developer of Millennium Place is giving passers-by a tool to envision how the luxury condo high-rise will take shape in downtown Boston.

New York-based Millennium Partners will set up a sign at the lower Washington Street site tomorrow that displays a QR Code that people can scan with their smartphones and connect to a 3-D digital simulation of the 15-story building’s construction.

The “see it build” video (available at shows the glass structure unfolding upward from what used to be a parking lot at the end of Avery Street, a block off the Common.
