Our Lady of Good Voyage | Seaport Sq Parcel H | 55 - 57 Seaport Blvd | Seaport



Is the building behind this small office building condos or offices? either way, the people on the first 5 floors must be pissed.
Is the building behind this small office building condos or offices? either way, the people on the first 5 floors must be pissed.
I think it is offices, but it also looks like its just one of those prices/risks of dense urban development. If you don't own the lot next door, and your neighbor is willing to pull the new building back from the property line, they're free to build a building eyeball-to-eyeball with yours.

You could say the inverse too: the neighbors of OLGV should consider themselves lucky to get a neighbor with no height ambitions and a roof that pulls back at 45degrees as it rises.

Something also tells me that as part of the lot-swapping that went on, it may even be that the existing abutters on Farnsworth and Sleeper had some say in getting short(er) neighbors. Anyone else remember that? Am I mis-remembering?
Woah, actual, real life masons!

Incidentally, that's who the Avalon folks told us they planned to employ for Phase II in Northpoint: real bricklayers for real brick (not preformed). I was astonished!
Woah, actual, real life masons!

MDD -- Maybe da Mayah laid down da Law to d'Ahhhch Diocese --

Yuse should use da masons or maybe we gives da buildin to da Mohhhhmons ;)

Note: The forgoing completely synthetic dialogue was intended only in the furtherance of the pursuit of humour -- no racial, ethnic or religious slurs were intended, nor was the above to be associated with any persons living or deceased
Eh, laying brick on top of some branded cardboard is less impressive
Incidentally, that's who the Avalon folks told us they planned to employ for Phase II in Northpoint: real bricklayers for real brick (not preformed). I was astonished!

Wentworth's The Apartments at 725 Huntington was also supposed to have real brick masons, but due to a late schedule, it was switched to precast brick panels.
Wentworth's The Apartments at 725 Huntington was also supposed to have real brick masons, but due to a late schedule, it was switched to precast brick panels.

I love this video, showing the masons talking about the brick-work at the Bruce Bolling Building in Dudley Square.

Love that first pic, BeeLine. We're going to have a fine and varied street wall along here. The variations in height and massing and color are going to come together nicely. Especially considering not a single structure on this road existing even a few years ago. I love that they're building this church in such a prominent location. Not that I care a whit for religion, but churches make good cityscape.
And imagine what a redefined median will accomplish.
I agree that this makes ground level much more interesting. Things like this will make the seaport feel like a "real neighborhood" along with schools, supermarkets, libraries, parks etc... Cant wait to see how this masonry turns out. Looks great so far. Id like to see some more masonry spread around further from the fort point area to tie it all together. A library would be nice to see once more people move in.
...the people on the first 5 floors must be pissed.

Welcome to the City.

I never thought i'd get excited about the construction of a Roman Catholic church building. But i'm following this... I really wish Pier 4 was getting something like Rowe's or Lovejoy Wharf. But, overall, i'm stunned.
