Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part VI (2013)

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Is the courtyard for the government building still closed to the public? The building is terrible urbanism, but it's one of the few brutalist buildings I enjoy in this city, mostly because of those stairs.
All from yesterday. Great sunset with the storm clouds rolling in-did anyone else get a look?
(Prepare for a bit of a photo dump)

Edit: Oops! I missed one.
This is an adorable little building at 174 West 2nd Street in South Boston. The assessing department says it's owned by the City of Boston. No other information seems to be available.

There's a small plaque next to the door honoring someone named "Martin Campbell" who worked there for two decades, ending in 1989. Perhaps that was the last time it was in use? (There's an a/c unit in one window but no idea if it's in use.)


This is an adorable little building at 174 West 2nd Street in South Boston. The assessing department says it's owned by the City of Boston. No other information seems to be available.

There's a small plaque next to the door honoring someone named "Martin Campbell" who worked there for two decades, ending in 1989. Perhaps that was the last time it was in use? (There's an a/c unit in one window but no idea if it's in use.)

I read, in one of the Southie Weeklies, that the city wants to put the building/site (which extends to W First) out for bid or give it to an Afforcdable Housing Group but the neighbors are fighting to have the building torn down and that the site be turned into a park or community garden or a combination of both. I guess some heated meetings have been held in the past and the city is going slow on making a decision.
From the top of Mission High School:


(Don't worry. I wasn't trespassing or urbex'ing. Was authorized on site.)
Wow, that's the most dynamic that building has ever looked!
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