Just uploaded this to Emporis. It should be available for viewing next week. After looking at the renderings on page 9, I guesstimated the height, with mechanicals, to be 367 ft.
Wow. Taller than the Jamaicaway tower. This pushes our skyline a bit further west, and will be the tallest building between the Christian Science Center and Springfield!
Sarcasm or is this actually going to be taller than any of the towers in the Longwood Area?
If I can remember right, Jamaicaway Tower is 320 ft and kz1000ps mentioned that Blackfan is 298 ft. This should stick out like a sore thumb and will be that tallest building between the Christian Science Center and Springfield (from Mass. to NNE).
Also, Emporis is still reviewing my submission.
This is now being marketed as "Pierce Boston".