St Paul's Cathedral Alteration (Nautilus Pediment) | Tremont St | Downtown Crossing

It falls so far short of the rendings. So disappointing. Almost a joke.
If truly done, this is a hideous travesty. I can't imagine they're proud of the product. Any idiot can put this sort of thing together in their backyard with cardboard and pvc...
Pulled up St. Paul's facebook page sort of hoping to see someone as livid about this as I am but the general theme is that they're in love with it. I hated it from the instant I saw the proposal and hate it even more now after seeing that they completely half-assed it.

This has all the dignity of giant tic tac toe squares on the unfinished walls of St. John the Divine.

Ok, so it looks pretty damn good lit up at night. Daytime is a completely different story.

Photo courtesy Rev. Laura Everett

Meanwhile in Mount Auburn, Phillips Brooks is spinning in his grave.
I'm thinking the problem might be the blue background? It doesn't seem necessary at night and it highlights the cheapness of the material during the day, which might look less offensive against weathered stone.
When I see it in person, it's the blue background that sticks out the most to me. It looks like they got some blue foam core or cardboard at the craft store and threw it up there.
It looks like a church from Tron: Legacy.

Nah, a church there would have straighter lines and more transparency. This looks like the cliff you go to during Halloween to watch Jack and Sally serenade each other a la Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. (Rooftop prank idea, anyone?)
That feels so out of place.
Imagine what it's going to look like in twenty years once the panels weather and maintenance costs get ahead of them. What I find most mind boggling is that they spent $200,000 on this.
A couple hours and a trip to Home Depot, you could do it for a few hundred.
I was really hoping this was only half finished. To say nothing of the cheap tubing, I had thought that the blue background paneling was only a temporary placeholder for something less... temporary. As "finished" it belongs somewhere out on Route 1 in Saugus.
It looks like what you would get if a developer decided Vegas needed greek temple themed hotel/casino.
Okay, well, I guess I'm the only one who likes it at night...

But during the day, it truly is atrocious. That blue background shit is especially awful, and needs to look more like stone.
I don't dislike it per se but it doesn't look like a church all lit up although I do love signs and displays lit up like that it just seems odd on a church is all.
I imagine that location would shorten the travel time for the bums, I mean, parishoners.
