St Paul's Cathedral Alteration (Nautilus Pediment) | Tremont St | Downtown Crossing

What is the blue material? It looks like a plastic like Sintra or something along those lines. Looks terrible.
It looks to me like the blue is intended to make the pediment sort of disappear against equally blue sky. Does that work?
Walking by it yesterday afternoon, it doesn't come across as poorly as it does in the pictures. Still a vast departure from the original plans with no explanation from the church, which as of last week still had the original rendering on its website.
Honestly, who cares what the concept of the blue is. The seams just are an absolute travesty.
Got my first look at this today. To me it looks a bit heftier in person than it does in photos. That said, the poor-quality, electric-blue background is still horrid.

Beautiful angle, DB! It looks like a rendering in that photo.
IAM thickin that WISHING ceNter pART SPINNING!!! propellered bYe dem exhaust pipes eMITting der INSENSce gasscloudlings und der ORGan MonNKEE musiCa
I was wondering who stole the blue tarp off my boat. Solved.
How did this get approved? It is awful. Isn't there some sort of historic preservation board that prevents this sort of crap from happening?
Well there's also outright lying about what you're going to install. Which appears to be what happened here.
so this guy is a really good artist, and pretty well known. He did the tree root chandelier in Grand Central Station. That is beautiful.... what happened here?
Does he get his Eagle Scout badge now for this piece of community service related improvements?

Finally, something in the neighborhood to take everyone's mind off of the Irish Famine Memorial statues.
Nobody worry. Come the first tropic storm and this nautilus will quite literally be blown out to sea. Probably the blue paneling also. The whole thing looks like it is held together with Elmer's glue.
What's with the horizontal bar? That bothers me more than the blue.
Meanwhile in Mount Auburn, Phillips Brooks is spinning in his grave.

Philips Brooks couldn't care less about St. Paul's.....he was rector of Trinity Church, which has always resisted the diocese's "invitation" to become the cathedral church. Meanwhile they're stuck with St. Paul's...a fine architect, Willard, but never intended to be a cathedral when built.
