The Eddy | 6 New Street | East Boston

Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

That looks so rickety, like a big gust of wind would take it right down.

Yeah, but the building has been standing there all these years, and it must've been evaluated to see if it is sound enough to be deemed worthy of being saved. So it must be sturdy enough for a rehab. :cool:
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Drove by the building about an hour ago.
There's a huge pile of concrete rubble in front of the building that's being sprayed by a water machine to keep the dust down.

And a backhoe machine digging up the ground inside of the fence. :cool:
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project


I appreciate your passion on these boards. Its great to have your voice. I feel obligated however to let you know that there are some points of etiquette in forums such as these. One is that one should avoid double posting, you should never need to triple post, and quadruple posting it completely unnecessary.

Please try to be kind and follow the etiquette, it helps the conversation flow in a more natural way.

Carry on.

Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Don't see a core in there at all! :eek:
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Lookin' good.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

The old core was where you see the penthouse "pop-up" on the roof. No panic. It will happen.

Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

They'll probably use the old core to house new elevators. And they may put a new core somewhere in the middle of the building. :cool:
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

The building will be demolished. It will not be reused, per tonight's BRA meeting.

APPROVED (ground up construction instead of rehab/addition)

BRA Board approves New Street on #EastBoston #waterfront. 259 units w/ retail space.

BRA @BostonRedevelop · 48m ago
To clarify the developer determined it wasn't feasible to rehab/expand existing 9-story building. (1 of 2)

BRA @BostonRedevelop · 48m ago
Will instead construct new bldg on same footprint. (2 of 2)
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Did they determine that it wasn't worth it to rehab and build on top of the existing building after they finished gutting it or was it in the plan the whole time? Seems like a lot of work to strip a building only to demo it later...unless they're having to disassemble the building floor-by-floor for environmental/regulatory reasons.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Did they determine that it wasn't worth it to rehab and build on top of the existing building after they finished gutting it or was it in the plan the whole time? Seems like a lot of work to strip a building only to demo it later...unless they're having to disassemble the building floor-by-floor for environmental/regulatory reasons.

The original plans were to salvage the existing structure. It has since been determined that it is not feasible. The existing building appears to have a tight grid. Furthermore, it appears that the structure would need to be beefed up to supercolumns to support the addition on top, so they probably did the math and found it's cheaper or equally expensive as building a new tower.

Edit: I see you're asking sort of a different question than what I responded to. You're asking more along the lines of when did they switch the plan and if it was gutted before the decision to demo.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

What a waste... this could have easily been redone like the Maple Leaf.

It's not like there isn't a ton of buildable vacant land around.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Why did they bother stripping the building if they were just going to knock it down? Seems like a waste of time to me.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Will the new building still look the same? Or will it look different now?
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Why did they bother stripping the building if they were just going to knock it down? Seems like a waste of time to me.

They were going to reuse it, but found that it wasn't as strong as they initially thought once they stripped it.
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

Well, think that it is better to be safe than to be sorry!

Looking from my living room window, I can see the old building being torn down. :cool:
Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project

It is almost all torn down. Went by there today.
