The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Hotel tower crane is down (with no visible prep for the office phase)

I'm curious about the timing of the office phase - they appear to be installing some type of metal sheathing around the perimeter of the existing mechanical penthouse over the podium. It looks like something that would be done if work was not to commence in the near term. We will have to wait and see i suppose.
Transit cop said this AM that "October" was still the most recent target for the CR-Subway pedestrian connection.
I assume a fair amount of lighting on this one? The middle tier already has the light section but not sure about the rest of the tower.

Great gateway into the city.
I assume a fair amount of lighting on this one? The middle tier already has the light section but not sure about the rest of the tower.

Great gateway into the city.

The whole thing should be lit up. Boston by and large is too dark at night when compared to other cities.

Dark cities can be cool!

(Ok Boston isn't Prague, but still!)
I noticed this thing is visible from the 8th floor of my office on Atlantic Ave next to South Station today.
That is far darker than Boston is on any night of the year.
That is far darker than Boston is on any night of the year.

I get his point though. Compared to pretty much ANY major city, Boston is dim and dull at night. New York, Atlanta, wherever. Nicely lit crowns and projected light. Here? Our tallest? Pitch black at night.
Nothing wrong with being different. No building it PITCH black at night, there are windows that are lit, its just mostly dark and no overt lighting scheme. We don't have to be Atlanta or Dallas with a bunch of obnoxious neon lighting
Nothing wrong with being different. No building it PITCH black at night, there are windows that are lit, its just mostly dark and no overt lighting scheme. We don't have to be Atlanta or Dallas with a bunch of obnoxious neon lighting

Also, really, whom does this serve? Is liking to look at lit up buildings at night enough to justify them? LEDs are very efficient but they're not free, and it hasn't stopped being a good idea to turn off lights you aren't using. I've always been annoyed that lights just stay on in very high floors when no one is working.

Obviously lights serve a purpose and this is not an omnibus critique. Safety and wayfinding and interest at the street is another thing entirely. But there are too many damn lights on just to be on.
Turn off the lighting on City Hall, what a waste of energy! Same for the lighting on the Zakim, I mean, lovely blue lighting, what's the point? The Old Hancock was once beautifully lit, now it's not. Dark and lifeless at night it is. Turn off those damn building lights, turn em all off!
Nothing wrong with being different. No building it PITCH black at night, there are windows that are lit, its just mostly dark and no overt lighting scheme. We don't have to be Atlanta or Dallas with a bunch of obnoxious neon lighting

Agree. I think there is an elegant beauty to a skyline whose predominant lighting comes from the windows of the buildings.
A little bit better soft lighting of the crowns would be fine.

i once heard the building tops are kept dark to benefit visibility on final approach into Logan.

Has anyone else heard that?

Obviously lights serve a purpose and this is not an omnibus critique. Safety and wayfinding and interest at the street is another thing entirely. But there are too many damn lights on just to be on.
Wow, I am lovin that residential building, glass is beautifully reflective, it's gonna make a nice addition to the skyline. Thanks for the pics, Bos!

Once the govt ctr office tower is built this is priiiime real estate. Next door to a 600+ footer, a couple buildings down from the hub on causeway, bridges the gap between the two. Blank wall and everything just waiting for a tower to rise right there. Its a triangular plot too could be interesting. Then if they return to the original plan with a tower in the courtyard of the court it can be even greater. Then we all know theres tonsss of land around NST. Could make for an interesting modern cluster of towers in the area.
Scrolling through that set of pics, that was the one that caught my eye, too. Blank wall, nice corner lot. Perfect for a Flatiron shaped building with some curved glass at the corner. Perfect.

Once the govt ctr office tower is built this is priiiime real estate. Next door to a 600+ footer, a couple buildings down from the hub on causeway, bridges the gap between the two. Blank wall and everything just waiting for a tower to rise right there. Its a triangular plot too could be interesting. Then if they return to the original plan with a tower in the courtyard of the court it can be even greater. Then we all know theres tonsss of land around NST. Could make for an interesting modern cluster of towers in the area.
