Looks like the glass canopy on "Champions Way" is still there. And I'm not sure how the current proposal isn't better than what's currently there. As is, your only option is walking down "Legends Highway," which isn't exactly a thrilling experience. With the current proposal, you walk the same distance sure, but it's under a canopy with shopping. And that's if you're going to the CR, which as I mentioned earlier, a smaller percentage of people will be doing once this, the Nashua towers, and the Lovejoy complex open up. This exit has to serve them as well; not just the CR station. Forcing the exit directly into the station doesn't do that. In fact, that would actively be a pain in the neck for people going any where BUT the CR, whereas the current configuration serves both purposes fine. So yeah, bare minimum, this isn't the end of the world. I think it actually makes a good amount of sense.