The Victor | 110 Beverly Street | West End

Re: The Victor

Strolled by this site at lunch time today. A sizable concrete pour was underway. Footings of some sort? I am a Luddite and don't have a smart phone for pix. Sorry.
Re: The Victor

I'm interested as to how this is going in over the central artery. Are they driving piles between the tunnels and on the sides and cantelievering the whole thing to rest on those piles? They must be right on the roof of the tunnel.
Re: The Victor

The whole thing rests on the tunnel piles driven, no slurry walls slurred...remarkably simple (easy for me to say).

I hear the crane is arriving at the end of the month.
Re: The Victor

The whole thing rests on the tunnel piles driven, no slurry walls slurred...remarkably simple (easy for me to say).

I hear the crane is arriving at the end of the month.

Ledjes -- and before someone starts screaming for height -- the use of the slurry walls as the foundation also limits the scale of the structure

AKA - -down, Down, bad dog -- No you can't move Tommy's Tower over to near North Station on the Greenway slurry walls
Re: The Victor

If you think about it, this is pretty much the first substantial structure in the entire state that is built over a highway since the Prudential Center (except possibly Fall River).

EDIT: Perhaps in all of New England.
Re: The Victor

I'd call Copley Place pretty substantial, and that came two decades after the Pru.
Re: The Victor

My bad, thought that was the same time.
Re: The Victor

John Hancock Garage also came after the Pru. I'm guessing that Shaws over the pike in Newton(?) did as well.
Re: The Victor

and also a Sheraton(?) hotel in Newton Corner.
Re: The Victor

Going back a bit, I think Haverhill street getting active pedestrian use could happen, but it depends entirely on what is built south across Valenti way.

You have a ton of MBTA egress on that street, and its the main entrance to the garden/north station. If something of substance is built on that vacant lot which allows pedestrians to pass through (you can see by the worn-away grass on that lot a LOT of people already do this, myself included) you could see a decent amount of foot traffic, despite its uninviting streetwall.

I would love to see something like the pedestrian arcade at the long wharf, but actually useful.
Re: The Victor

I have a friend who lives in Strata. He took a sweet pic today.

Re: The Victor

crane is up will post pixs in an hour unless someone beats me to it!
Re: The Victor

Vertical steel going up as well. A bunch of trucks with structural steel making deliveries.
