W Hotel | 100 Stuart St | Theater District

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Re: W Hotel

P.S. A word of advice...don't try to walk from Gov't Center to Back Bay on a hot day while wearing a full business suit and dress shoes. I was first lulled to sleep by overbearing shadows on the Common and then I was viciously attacked by Solar Glare when I got towards Back Bay. I was so overwhelmed, I had to stop at Fire & Ice to get a beer and some food. I was trying to make it to The Clarendon to take a snap of that, but time was getting tight if I was going to make it to the commuter rail, so maybe another day.

Are you kidding me?!? You are lucky to even be alive, what with all those UFPs in the area. Count your blessings.
Re: W Hotel

Medicinal alcohol. Always a good call.
Re: W Hotel

Self medication at its finest!

(Now where's my bourbon?)
Re: W Hotel

See, I always thought medicinal alcohol was great too...but then my doctor told me I had a drinking problem. As a form of resistance I burped in his face, but that resulted in him dying of alcohol poisoning. Oh well, I'd much rather be exposed to extra alcohol than extra UFPs. UFPs are the real killers in this whole situation.
Re: W Hotel

Where do you get that booze? We happen to be in one of the eight states they don't have anything to do with. I remember seeing that stuff pretty regularly at school though (Clemson, South Carolina).

i bought a nip of it last night.

(21yo college student, so nips are acceptable :p:p)
Re: W Hotel

from today's Metro

"Cops net 33 in drug arrests in Theater area

BOSTON. Police arrested 33 people Thursday in a sting operation targeting well-known ?impact players? wanted on drug charges that allegedly operated mostly in the Theater District.

After a four-month undercover operation, dubbed ?Curtain Call,? Boston and state police targeted the suspects, most of which were allegedly involved in distributing crack cocaine. Authorities said the suspects ?originated from all parts of the city with gang affiliations and prior arrests or convictions for drug distribution or acts of violence.?

?Today?s sweep will serve as a dual purpose by removing individuals who sell dangerous drugs downtown and then return to their neighborhoods where many attempt to control their community by threats and intimidation which leads to violent activity such as shootings and homicides,? Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said in a statement."


Right across from the where the W is being built has been a high traffic area for drug distribution for so long. Good to see a project like this change the tolerance level.
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Re: W Hotel

^^Absolutely, that is great news. It's great to see an effort to clean up this area.
Re: W Hotel

Agreed, a step in the right direction. One of the benefits of development. I've done a ton of work in Richmond and have watched a formerly run-down area of the downtown area get a lot nicer as VCU expanded it's presence there.

Getting back to the above article, what chaps my ass to no end is how these losers that they rounded up sound like most (if not all) have extensive criminal records.

It's a shame that there is not an easier and more effective way (in this state in particular) to discourage people from this type of behavior. To me it is no less a crime to have a system that will even give a person convicted of violent crime and/or drug dealing multiple times the chance to get caught again.
Re: W Hotel

Perhaps decriminalizing or legalizing these victimless crimes? We have a licensing system that works fairly well for regulating alcohol trafficking and use. As a result, the Budweiser distributor never gets into a shooting war with the Sam Adams wholesaler. (But this belongs in a different thread)
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Re: W Hotel

I definitely disagree that selling crack is a victimless crime. Weed is basically victimless, but crack is not.
Re: W Hotel


I understand your analogy about alcohol distribution and trafficking. And while I am not for trying to make alcohol illegal again (didn't go over so well when they tried it back in the prohibition days), you have to admit that alcohol creates its share of problems (health, crime, financial, etc.).

Now, not that all who drink are destined to liver failure, drunk driving and poverty, because this is clearly not the case. There are many who abuse it though, but this, when traced back far enough, is likely to be primarily their own fault.

Regarding this particular article referenced above, how are [convictions for] 'distributing crack cocaine' and 'acts of violence' victimless crimes?????? Are you serious with that notion or are you just looking for lively discussion?
Re: W Hotel

I posted these on the crane thread also,this shows the W-Hotel steel rising above the skyline from the Longfellow bridge
Soon it will take it's place on the skyline!
Re: W Hotel

What is the project that we see beyond this? (The second crane in the last shot above.) I been seeing that steel going up whenever I have been driving up 93 lately and could not put my finger on what project that is.

Also, what is the structure that is going up next to the SE Expressway next to the southbound side? It has very wide steel spans and doesn't look too heavy duty, but once again I can't guess what it is.

Re: W Hotel

There are 4 projects underconstruction in this pix,W-Hotel ,Tufts Medical building,2 Financial cnt,and fan pier
Re: W Hotel

Ah yes Tufts. That was my mystery project of the 4. Thanks.
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