Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End

In a few years this same shot will have some nice towers showing!

This is roughly the view from my desk - every once in a while I stop and think exactly this. I count about 9 tall buildings (3x Gov't Ctr + Garden Garage + 3x North Station + Lovejoy Wharf + Avalon NS) that could fill this view in the next 5-10 years. Unfortunately, I probably won't be with this company long enough to see it.

WOW, look at how big those trees have grown in the North End Park! Amazing what an impact some shade trees and new development can do to help fully realize the neighborhood's potential.

I'm hoping in another 5 years, they develop more of a canopy and less isolated pockets of shade. Reducing the width of the street would also do wonders; whenever I walk through, the park still feels isolated like a recreation area plopped onto a highway median. Definitely worth discussing in another thread, but the park still feels very naked and agoraphobia-inducing without defined street walls on either side; on-/off-ramps on the other 2 sides certainly doesn't help. Better than a highway, but still a bit of a ways to go to really repair this bit of urban fabric.

Here's a couple more.

From 7/19. First setback is at 6th floor. Steel is pushing as high as 9 and 10.

It's going to be really interesting for the next few months to see the race -- 2 cranes and steel framing at North Station versus MT's 1 crane, jacked framing and pumped concrete mix

Both will be putting up about a floor per week through September
I have no idea what this is going to look like ... I have not been paying attention enough, but I love the use of urban space that this building is occupying. It is taking something that has no redeeming urban value and turning it into something useful. I hope the best for the architecture but this project gets a thumbs up from me just because of its improvement of space.

I have no idea what this is going to look like ... I have not been paying attention enough, but I love the use of urban space that this building is occupying. It is taking something that has no redeeming urban value and turning it into something useful. I hope the best for the architecture but this project gets a thumbs up from me just because of its improvement of space.


In case it helps, here's a link to an NPC with renderings and diagrams:

Some more renderings on this page:

Doubt it'll look spectacular, what with inevitable cheap cladding and all, but it'll probably at least be inoffensive, and at night I think it'll look good--from a distance, too. It's also going to be taller than I thought. 415' to the top of the highest occupied floor, plus about 20-25' of mechanicals. Looking forward to seeing it rise. I can see the western-most crane from BU's CAS building.

Soo close to the Garden, I wonder if you'll be able to hear the concerts for free, lol.
best view of that building yet^ some pics from Saturday from the back seat of a jeep going 90 miles per hour(remind me never to ride with that person again)! >
Since the complexity of the bottom floors is done this thing should rocket up. I love the placement of this project. This thing will DOMINATE 93S and do a nice job of extending the skyline. I really hope this has a good nighttime presence..
Shes growing ,working on level 13 and 14 i believe.

Thanks for the pic. I can confirm that. Was up close to it last night and counted the floors. It looks like the base is 6 floors before the main setback. 6 more floors totally done, then that steel in the middle is pushing into 13/14.
Thanks for the pic. I can confirm that. Was up close to it last night and counted the floors. It looks like the base is 6 floors before the main setback. 6 more floors totally done, then that steel in the middle is pushing into 13/14.

Indeed: this is beginning to make an impression from Northpoint! I am really digging it. It is great to have some more construction close to us. With EF2 and Twenty|20 done, and Zinc nearly complete, I need something to satisfy the building desire that (looks like it will not) be satisfied by anything else in Northpoint this year...
AvalonBay released their Second Quarter 2015 Operating Results last week, and Avalon North Station is scheduled for initial occupancy in Q4 2016, completion in Q4 2017, and fully stabilized operations in Q2 2018. They're projecting average rents of $3575, which puts it pricing between AVA Theater District ($4025) and Avalon Assembly Row/AVA Somerville ($2630).
