Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End

I was walking through the retail podium today, and it would be a great spot for a Yard House or Bar Louis type place. Large sports place that is family friendly etc...
The Globe is usually very bad at getting development details right... I always take their overviews with a grain of salt. This one is particularly BuzzFeedy.
The Globe is usually very bad at getting development details right... I always take their overviews with a grain of salt. This one is particularly BuzzFeedy.

dude, i actually believe it, it makes sense when you look at the renderings of each tower.
dude, i actually believe it, it makes sense when you look at the renderings of each tower.

The heights do all seem to accurately quoted. It's just the silly tone and bad render matches... I never take Globe development overview stories seriously. Always seem to be written by junior journos who would rather be working for Cracked or BuzzFeed.
Cladding's moving fast- I'll try to grab some shots on one of my evening commutes.
20 floors

They appear to be using some of the "balcony" space on the rear for staging.
How many posts until the pre-cast apocalypse posts start? :D
I think we need to have an ArchBoston insurance policy for people taking pictures while driving. Especially to cover Boston02124.
Hey I've pretty much stopped doing that unless I'm in bumper to bumper traffic or a passenger in a car (which drives the driver crazy,(how many f-n pics do u need of this city!!!) lol from Logan while standing at the dock >
traffic was at a crawl from the Nh border to the south shore that day

Very similar massing to the AvalonBay (Jacob Wirth's) tower.
Jacob Wirth's was a T basically. Looks more like Kennsington to me
Also reminds me of Twenty|20, whose overpriced *dark* windows I see every night...
