Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End

Looking good from here [taken this morning]:

And up close [taken on Tuesday]:
So this will be taller than the West End Longfellow towers, yes?
Since every building Avalon has built lately has been ugly I don't have high expectations...although Exeter is nice looking.
Taller than Longfellow Towers in West End? There goes my view of the distant Prudential Tower except for the top several floors...
Since every building Avalon has built lately has been ugly I don't have high expectations...although Exeter is nice looking.

This cladding is very similar to the exeter so hopefully it turns out okay.
^^ They have been redoing that all year ... At least it looks better than when there was *nothing* at the corners! haha
^^ They have been redoing that all year ... At least it looks better than when there was *nothing* at the corners! haha

Wonder how much that special assessment was???
They have started to paint it a much brighter blue color than the current one. Almost as bright as some of the colors that you see with insulation. They started with the side that faces the inside of the park. I don't like painted brick especially for the outside of a large building.
I'd rather see them do some smart infill and rebuild the street grid over taking a couple thousand units off line for a few years while completely rebuilding the neighborhood.
Cabrini Green was literally projects if I'm not mistaken and a haven for criminals whereas this is still upscale living so I'm not sure the two have any similarities
