Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital | Navy Yard | Charlestown

Spaulding opened today. 130 patients were transferred to the new facility.

WHDH confirmed 10 patients so far are from the Marathon bombing, so yes, Spaulding's opening has been a wonderful, timely resource:

"I can't wait to take advantage of all this new facility has to offer."
Great news. A truly monumental event for the city.

Forgive me if this has been explained, but what ia going to happen with the existing location?
MGH is assuming control of the building, which they've contractually held ownership of for the past few years. The building will be used for lab and office space. There will probably be a protracted negotiation between Partners and the MassDOT regarding taking down some/all of the building in the future for North Station expansion.
Perkins + Will just uploaded a gallery of pictures, yes these are PICTURES (not renders), of this absolutely gorgeous project to their Facebook page:









Project of the year. Game. Set. Match.
Wow, what a great looking facility. I would agree, top notch all around.
This is the kind of architecture you expect from the Germans, Swiss, and Dutch. It's like night and day compared to the rest of the shit going up around the city. Almost $900/sf.

I didn't think you could top YCCC in terms of quality healthcare architecture, but hot damn. This even puts Yawkey to shame.
Project of the year. Game. Set. Match.

Agreed. I don't know what's more stunning: how beautiful the building turned out or how insanely talented Perkins + Will's photographer is. I can't wait to see the reactions on Arch Daily's facebook stream when they inevitably share these completed photos.

And it's really wonderful, actually, that this opened so soon after the marathon bombings. This is probably the timeliest development I've seen built in Boston since moving here 6 years ago.
And so conveniently located for visitors, too!

Don't know if this was meant in jest, but it is definitely more remote. And doesn't seem like it lends itself to great urbanism. But still, obviously, very nice design compared to what usually goes up in Boston.
Don't know if this was meant in jest, but it is definitely more remote. And doesn't seem like it lends itself to great urbanism. But still, obviously, very nice design compared to what usually goes up in Boston.

That far-flung pier in Charlestown is cut off from the rest of the neighborhood by the Tobin. It's never going to be great urbanism. It's designed to fill the role of a rehab hospital, and it does that FAR better than the old facility. The remoteness of it will be difficult for some out-patients, but hopefully Spaulding has a plan for transportation. Beefing up the Partners shuttle from MGH or something.
Hope Elkus/Manfredi takes a good look at this and finds inspriration to up their game, way up it. Their life sciences work looks decidedly junior varsity in comparison.
What's the small oval in front? Ventilation? Bus shelter?

There's a ramp going underground. Could be for deliveries only, but I suspect there must be parking for employees down there. I suspect it's an artfully hidden ventilation shaft?
Four or more blocks. The bus would be much more convenient, but that's still a block away, plus it only runs outbound in this area. No inbound buses.

I imagine that Spaulding will get some bus service out of the T. Besides that, the Partners' Shuttle will probably go right to the front door.
