T photo of the day

Gah, I wish the RL cars had center poles like NYC. It would make rush-hour a little more comfortable. Does anyone know if there was a reason why they were omitted? It's such a wide aisle and there are spots where you can't reach a pole or handle.

v Sig v
Was it the last car on the train or something?

The weather was nice today. That tends to have an effect on subway ridership. But not that much...in that location...

Middle car actually.

And it was last friday, not this one.
Originally Posted by datadyne007
Gah, I wish the RL cars had center poles like NYC. It would make rush-hour a little more comfortable. Does anyone know if there was a reason why they were omitted? It's such a wide aisle and there are spots where you can't reach a pole or handle.

Wheelchair access? I have the ADA dimensional requirements at work, and a wheelchair needs a certain width to get through.
But aren't wheelchair spaces in Red Line cars right next to doors?

Only on the 01800 series cars. All of the older makes had seats ripped out on the ends to create the (somewhat less convenient) space. All the current cars were also built with the poles acting as supports partially holding up the seating rows, which I suppose is just an easier kill-two-birds-with-one-stone design choice. The old 01400 series cars retired in the mid-90's had center poles because their bench seating was structurally self-supporting.
The glass in Kenmore Square is already starting to look unkempt:

^^ In that photo Kenmore Sqaure resembles a freeway, similar to the RKG.
That's old-construction tunnel. Alewife yard doesn't look anything like that: http://sery2831.smugmug.com/Trains/Red-Line-Shots/2544429_aMHa3#133754236_8DcqQ-L-LB.

Only possibility is Blue Line tail tracks at Bowdoin. That's the only place in the subway that there's a 2-track stub. 2nd photo appears to also show a curve to the left while the right track goes straight...that's exactly how the track connection off the loop dumps into the stub. Gives you an impression of just how much of the Red-Blue connector already exists...the actual loop isn't even visible it's so far down the around the much slighter curve on right track.

3-car OB E-train waiting for the tracks to switch at Brigham Circle so it can go back IB.
Huntington is so beautiful when the trees are full and green even on an overcast day like today. It's your perfect little stretch of colleges galore.
Huntington is so beautiful when the trees are full and green even on an overcast day like today. It's your perfect little stretch of colleges galore.

I wish there was some way to get green tress all year round.

Some kind of "forever green tree" perhaps. We could shorten that name to "evergreen".

If only the crack team of scientists at harvard and MIT could work together to bring us such a wonder of nature, and then the city could plant some and bring greenness to our streets every day of the year.

If only.
They seriously bloomed in like 2 weeks too. It was amazing. They went from bare to sprawling in such a short time.

Imagine if this style/layout continued past Brigham Circle. It would be a dream.
Boston has five aesthetic seasons -- in order of aesthetic values:

1) Summer -- trees, water-life, sidewalk cafes, tourists
2) / 3) Spring Autumn or Autumn / Spring where Spring = the period of flowering trees doing their thing and Autumn is the period when the deciduous trees do their thing
4) Holiday /Winter snow -- first few storms especially when the holiday decorations and lights are still on

5) the rest of the year when it is less aesthetic and its best to look for aesthetics inside

Huntington Ave Green Line route by NEU and the MFA and down to Brigham Circle is a particularly good example although it could use more sidewalk cafes
