Thanks for describing supply/demand and competition for me fattony like I'm a child, I didnt understand that before you came around.
I'm surprised the Seaport doesn't have a grocery store yet. I would assume that in one of these new buildings there will be one at some point.
Not enough residents “yet”.
Come on, man. Be nice.
(Apologies this post isn't explicitly Hub on Causeway related)
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe a tenant has been announced yet for the 2nd floor of Parcel M2 (backside of Echelon property). Unless Amazon decides to include a Whole Foods at its buildout of the L parcels, I have a hunch the M parcel developers are working to court a grocery tenant upstairs there. There's no question the influx of residents to the neighborhood has strengthened the market demand for a supermarket there.
I believe there definitely will be a Whole Foods in the first Amazon building on L block, big win for Seaport!
Back on topic:
They are pouring sidewalks and washing windows on the right side podium today.
The Certificate of Occupancy was issued the other day too.
Globe has an article about the tunnel:
Anyone know what became of the old tunnel?
This tunnel doesn't exactly scream (or even drunkenly slur, whisper, etc.) 'world class'.
Echoing Atlantaden's sentiment a couple posts above, this strikes me as a missed opportunity to spend just a bit more money on this walkway given the thousands upon thousands of people (locals and visitors) who will be utilizing this space.
This tunnel doesn't exactly scream (or even drunkenly slur, whisper, etc.) 'world class'.
It's also not done yet and a month away from opening.
Boy, am I getting sick of seeing people throw the "World Class" phrase around, just because the city (& its representatives) have done so in the past.
We're talking about a frickin' tunnel. We don't need a "world class tunnel", which is what you're insinuating...just a secure & effective one.