Tree House Residence Hall Tower @ MassArt | 578 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

A few more from yesterday:





Dusk driving

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

From the MFA Green Line stop:

Oh, and this is from a long time ago, but I figured you guys might like this shot:
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Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Amazing how much more urban one slightly taller building can make a neighborhood feel.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Most road crews are union and their work rules would require obscene pay on top of their already high pay. It would make sense to have road crews work either a day or night shift as their regular hours at regular pay. But what makes sense doesn't always equate to what is lucrative for the unions. If the government wasn't engaging in outright illegal labor segregation against non union operations, by outright requiring union labor or prevailing wages set by the unions, we would be seeing almost all road work done at night.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

A lot of road work is done at night. When they were doing leak repairs in the Big Dig tunnels that was done at night.

Another reason is most people sleep at night, and they don't take kindly to an asphalt milling machine grinding roadway at 3 AM outside their window.

Some construction can be more economical at night, even with wage differentials, because you can shunt traffic away from the construction area.

A lot of the track work on the Northeast Corridor is done at night. That's why the late night train between New York and Boston is pulled by a diesel as the catenary is shut down for the night work to be carried out.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Amazing how much more urban one slightly taller building can make a neighborhood feel.

I agree, what it does is give a radious a focal point. If the the area is already ready of urban fabric then these towers become exclamation points. They also give a neighborhood (for better or worse) an icon. I feel like a taller tower in the downtown area would do something similar.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Looks like it's already even with Tower.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I'm always amazed at the fact that no amount of shitty weather deters people on this forum from getting construction pics.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I'm always amazed at the fact that no amount of shitty weather deters people on this forum from getting construction pics.
lol,I actually got out of my car to take these pixs!
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

cell phone in traffic, ya its bad i know

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

From the library in the MassArt Tower. Which is the topmost floor. For students at least; I'm sure there's a little more. But it's official--the new dorm is equal to Tower.

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I gave an impromptu architecture lecture to a newscrew that was shooting in the MassArt library once. I overheard them incorrectly discussing some buildings/landmarks and went over and offered to explain things. The views up there are stunning.

That pic got me thinking just how AMAZING the views in the new dorm tower are going to be, since you will be able to see over Tower from the upper floors (~15-21).
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Yeah, the new dorm is gonna get some amazing views.

I also have a better photo from my film camera. Same spot, same time. The other one was from my iPhone.

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

It has to suck to graduate from Boston colleges these days and be forced to downgrade from those views. These places are making the contrast between "best years of your life" and the struggles of one's mid-20s even more unbearable.
