Tree House Residence Hall Tower @ MassArt | 578 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Yeah, the new dorm is gonna get some amazing views.

I also have a better photo from my film camera. Same spot, same time. The other one was from my iPhone.


That photo looks like it's from 1974! Amazing vintage quality to it.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

You really can't see any modern buildings in that shot either, so it enhances it. The clearest buildings are Beatty Hall, Wentworth Hall, and Edwards/Rodgers which are all old as dirt.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

It has to suck to graduate from Boston colleges these days and be forced to downgrade from those views. These places are making the contrast between "best years of your life" and the struggles of one's mid-20s even more unbearable.

Every time I see BU's big new tower I think its residents are the luckiest SOBs. (Or at least until they have to start paying down the principle on their gargantuan loans!)
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

LOL, you nailed it with the year; the camera was from around that time, actually. I've always wanted a film camera because I love the challenge of it, and I found this camera at a thrift store for 25 bucks and it works beautifully, aside from the non-functioning exposure meter. So I have to guess the shutter speed for every shot; that picture came out PERFECT. And the lens is a fixed lens; I can't zoom in or out (it's permanently "zoomed in"), so that's why the building just fits into the picture. And thanks!
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

LOL, you nailed it with the year; the camera was from around that time, actually. I've always wanted a film camera because I love the challenge of it, and I found this camera at a thrift store for 25 bucks and it works beautifully, aside from the non-functioning exposure meter. So I have to guess the shutter speed for every shot; that picture came out PERFECT. And thanks!

1974 is my go-to vintage year, but I'll take it. =)
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Time for the facade!!

To: The Wentworth Community

Subject: West Lot Crane work

On Monday and Tuesday, March 7th and 8th, contractors erecting the new MassArt dorm building will be bringing in a crane and trailer to erect the equipment needed to install the exterior skin of the building within their fence line. A section of the area in the far corner of the lot along the protected parking overhang will have a clear visible line for lot users to recognize as a ?Construction Zone?. There will be only one delivery each day and the work is expected to last from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm on each day. Wentworth Police officers will be on site to assist lot users and to direct traffic as necessary.

Please contact Wentworth Public Safety at ext 4400 with any questions or concerns.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Love that steel framing!

They hung that banner a few days ago too. Render porn mmmm...
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Yeah, the new dorm is gonna get some amazing views.

I also have a better photo from my film camera. Same spot, same time. The other one was from my iPhone.


What film stock did you use? Any post-processing?
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

What film stock did you use? Any post-processing?

I just went the cheap route; Kodak 200 film from Walgreens and got the exposures printed at Ritz camera. Lol. I really want to learn how to use a darkroom, though.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

from the Redline this morning anyone know what floor they're up to?
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Level 18.

Wed night: (Motorola phone cams suck at auto-focus while walking, my LG EnV Touch used to take clear as day photos while running)



You can count 18 floors.
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Re: Mass Art Dormitory

from the Redline this morning

That's a pretty clear shot considering it was taken at high zoom through a dirty window on a moving train!
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Not when you consider the fact that Boston02124 is photographic ninja.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

the light shining through the blue tarps is kinda beautiful.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

^LMAO! I guess I have a thing for taken pixs while in motion lol!
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I have a few more; they took the tarp off the back of the building after putting up the equipment needed to put the skin onto the building. It's really cool to look inside it; they have the plumbing and air ducts in there, and you can see a stairwell.






Re: Mass Art Dormitory

And some "artsy" shots because I'm just another freak that goes to art school. :D

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