Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End

I was staring up at 1fc today when i was smoking a cigarette outside south station and it looks fine so if they are similar Id expect it to hold up.
studio and 1b aren't that bad price wise then it just takes a huge ass leap when you hit 2b...I'm ignorant of most RE pricing, is that a standard jump or out of the ordinary?
studio and 1b aren't that bad price wise then it just takes a huge ass leap when you hit 2b...I'm ignorant of most RE pricing, is that a standard jump or out of the ordinary?

This is (in part) targeted young professionals housing, and my guess is they are taking advantage of housing-crunched boston's tendencies of working YPs' willingness to live with a roommate till much later in life than was historically the trend. The 2BR prices are conveniently a couple hundred less than twice the studio or 1BR...just enough to make it somewhat worthwhile to room with someone.

That'd be my guess.
The light precast on this always reminds me of the architectural style of the game Mirror's Edge. I think that's why I like it so much.
studio and 1b aren't that bad price wise then it just takes a huge ass leap when you hit 2b...I'm ignorant of most RE pricing, is that a standard jump or out of the ordinary?

The prices Data listed are "from" meaning that it can (and does) go much higher. The 1br for $2,350 is only 500 square feet and does not have a great floor plan with lots of wasted space. The more reasonable 1brs that are 600 sqft+ go from $2800 to $3000+.
The good thing is this is going to have a great lighting scheme. A light going up the side, across the crown, and I recall hearing also around the box windows like the mandarin in vegas. It appears to show in the render though very faintly so well have to wait and see.

An interesting lighting scheme would be grand. But I'm concerned that it will be maintained as haphazardly as that on the Avalon tower in Nortpoint (many of the external lamps, including entrance, accent, and Avalon-owned street/welcome area, go months before being replaced once offline).

LEDs should last considerably longer than non-LED OEM (and huge swaths of them are certainly more visible should they wink out), but I'm afraid that I have low expectations!
Is it possible to do clean lines like this without led's? I dont know for certain but I expect they will be. The top of the crown could be anything, but that thin line up the side and around the window boxes I would imagine would be led. Obviously the lighting on the podium is not. This is going to be lit, that converse residential is, same with TD garden towers. This is going to be a cool area at night.

Yes, I remember seeing these in one of the documents submitted to the BRA on this project.

How do we feel about deep linking?...




I'm on tour with the band, so just passing through! I'll have a bunch of seaport shots to share once I get somewhere with wifi. PS hi!
Ever notice that in these street level sketches that all the people drawn in are white?
